I'm Not MentaL's Persistence Mod GTA5 - GamesMods17

I'm Not MentaL's Persistence Mod GTA5

his mod is an alternative mod like Szabo's Persistance Mod, Allows you to save
as many vehicles as you want wherever you want, and keep the last vehicles you
entered from disappearing into thin air. Also respawn when you restart the game.
Work with any vehicles, including add-on vehicles.

Leave your vehicle and press E (D-Pad Right) to save. If successfully saved,
you will hear your vehicle sound horn twice.
Enter your vehicle again to remove the save.

- Latest ScriptHookV
- Latest Community Script Hook V .NET
- Visual C++ Redistributable Packages x64 2013
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

1. Make sure you have all the Requirements Installed.
2. Extract, Drag and Drop 'Scripts' folder into GTAV Root Folder.
3. Enjoy. 

I'm Not MentaL's Persistence Mod GTA5  I'm Not MentaL's Persistence Mod GTA5 Reviewed by Razvan96 on 09 December Rating: 5